Your Tuition Package
"For every hour enrolled in music lessons, you are investing at least two hours of the teacher's time."
You are also gaining access to exclusive benefits for your music education!
Your Tuition Package covers:
ALL THESE BONUSES that other teachers do not offer (or charge extra for):
ALL THESE EXPENSES ARE INCLUDED in Your Tuition Package for your benefit and convenience.
Other Benefits...
Your tuition buys incredible advantages that will benefit you for the rest of your life! While helping you become a skilled musician, you can enjoy the following proven benefits of music lessons:
Greater appreciation of arts • Cultural development • Improved emotional sensitivity, awareness, and health • Diversification • Performance skills • Discipline and focus • Increased self-esteem and confidence • Stress and anxiety reduction • Patience • Increased memory • Higher IQ and brain function • Reasoning and problem-solving skills • Multi-tasking ability • Understanding the value of hard work • And more...
Some music students go on to study, perform, and/or teach music at the academic and professional level. I personally know many professional musicians who did not even consider a musical career until adulthood, and without their parents investing in music lessons, they would not have had such an opportunity. Your investment could be guaranteeing your child a career, or at the very least, a valuable lifelong skill!
By investing in your child’s music education, you are providing them with an exceptional skill and countless benefits that they will enjoy for a lifetime.